Competitive Pricing

The longevity of materials is as important to us as the longevity of our relations with our vendors and customers. However, the unstable nature of the non-ferrous market creates a lot of uncertainty. This is why through our competitive pricing we are able to ensure that our vendors have a steady cash flow and our customers have a steady and quality supply flow. Through our in-depth knowledge of the both domestic and overseas market, we are able to provide competitive pricing in the best and worst of markets.

Pick-up, Trucking, and Trailer Services

Especially in this current market finding booking for shipments is not always the easiest of tasks. Even if you do find a booking, there may be unexpected issues along the way. With that in mind, our logistics department’s job is to ensure that our vendors and customers are able to transport material to and from our warehouse as smooth as possible. Providing support whenever possible.


Along with our customers, quality is one of our top priorities when it comes to materials. However, not all of our vendors may have the ability to process material in its best form. Our dedicated warehouse space within on 220,000 sq. ft. facility coupled with machinery gives us the ability to process many types of material, removing any attachments and packaging it so it may safely depart to its destination.